Friday, July 1, 2011

1st Giveaway for P&G insert!

Alright I seem to have over 100 followers but none have officially signed into my blog so for those that do you will be entered to win some of this weeks P&G insert! This insert has over $83 with of coupons and already has some freebies scored at walgreens in it :-) Deadline will be Wednesday I will randomly draw a winner from those who "follow" my blog winner will be announced on Thursday after I've confirmed a mailing address with them so watch your email on Wednesday!


  1. Jess if you click the "followers" link on the right hand side and sign up you will be added to the drawing. Good luck!

  2. ok...I did it :) But you dont need to enter me into the drawing...I will have enough with the 4 papers I get lol ~ Heather
